This Is One of The Biggest Cancer Causing Food – Stop Eating It!

Hot dogs are the most mainstream fast food in America, yet did you realize that were invented and brought to America by German settlers? Just in America, around 7 billion of hot dogs are eaten in the late spring. Even though they are exceptionally well known, this delectable harmful sustenance can really be extremely destructive to our general well-being.

Wieners are generally produced using chicken, hamburger and pork meat, however the manufacturing process includes animal remains, for example, legs, hooks, skin and fat. Added substances, for example, corn syrup, monosodium glutamate, salt and numerous others are added to enhance the flavor, which varies from nation to nation. The most exceedingly bad part about the flavors is that monosodium glutamate and carmine flavors from shells of small bugs that are bubbled in sodium carbonate and smelling salts!

We can never make sure of the added substances utilized for sausage since they are never named on the package.

As indicated by an examination led at the University of Hawaii, manufactured meat expands the danger of pancreatic disease by up to 67%! Manufactured meat quite often contains added substances, for example, nitrites and nitrates, unsafe substances which have been demonstrated to build up the danger of stomach, pancreatic, bladder and entrail tumor. As the American Institute for Cancer Research states, just a solitary hot dog on a daily basis can expand the danger of colorectal cancer by 21%!

Watch the video underneath to reveal the awful truth about hot dogs:

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