Drink This Beverage Every Morning on an Empty Stomach and Say Goodbye to Belly Fat!

Nowadays, it is evident that a lot of the world population suffers from obesity. However, being overweight doesn’t always mean that the person is unhealthy. There are also people who have normal body weight, but still they experience metabolic problems with obesity. Namely, it is actually the belly fat which causes problems, and not the fat under the skin.

Regardless of whether you are overweight or you have normal weight, you need to get rid of the belly fat. In order to do that, you should prepare this amazing remedy. Follow the instructions:


1 kg of lemon

5 laces of parsley

3 liters of water

1 bag of baking soda


Wash the lemons with cold water and then put them in a bowl with warm water and add the baking soda. Leave them like that for an hour. In the meantime, chop the parsley, together with the stems, into tiny pieces. After an hour has passed, chop the lemons together with the rind. Put everything together in a pot and add the 3 liters of water. Cook on low heat for 2 to 3 hours. Afterwards, strain the liquid. You’ll have 1, 5 liters of syrup and if you consume it regularly, it will last 2 weeks.

Consume one full brandy glass every morning on an empty stomach.

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